Sunday, May 23, 2010


A little background before the punchline...

Elliot recently had a geology unit in school and he has become obsessed with rocks. He comes home from school everyday with rocks he's picked up on the way home from school. He begged us to get the rock tumbler down from the shelf only to find that the rubber piece that turns the gear was worn. After much pestering, we fixed the gear and ordered new grit and polish. He's also been reading tons of books on the subject of rocks.

So... needless to say, I found it extremely hilarious this evening when Elliot came running down the hall in a panic with an agitated Henry right on his heels with a large piece of quartz in his hand. Elliot screams, "Mom! Henry's going to hit me with the 7th hardest mineral!"


thesvancaras said...


Hailee said...

Hilarious! Sounds like Jane, but her thing is outer space. She will spend an entire car ride spouting facts... "Did you know that Jupiter is made entirely of gas?"

love_suz said...
