Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is It Possible to Go Senile at Age 35?

Okay, seriously, I think I'm losing my mind. Last night, we went to watch Sam and Gill play in the regional volleyball tournament. In between games, we ran over to Panda Express to grab some dinner. When we got back, Gillian asked if she could use my cell phone to call a friend. I handed it to her and then she left the room to make the call. Literally one minute later, I opened my purse to grab my phone to text someone . . . my phone was gone! I kept searching my purse as the panic set in. The only place I thought it could be was at Panda Express, since it was the last place I remembered using it. I ran out to the car and speeded over to the restaurant. My phone was not at our table and it wasn't in the trash - I know because I looked. I ran back out to my car to check if it had fallen out of my purse and on the car floor. As I frantically searched, I decided to say a prayer. It was then that I finally remembered that Gillian had the phone! When I got back to the volleyball game, Nathan was waiting for me in the parking lot. He had a good laugh and apparently, so did all the girls on the volleyball team, since they had solved The Case of the Missing Phone long before I got back.

And then . . .

30 minutes later, when we piled in the car to go home, I opened my purse to get the car keys. Now they were missing. I digged around for a few seconds before I realized that I had already put the keys in the ignition and the car was running!

And then . . .

The next day, I used my debit card at an ATM. A while later, I opened my wallet and saw an empty space where my debit card should have been. What the heck? Did I really leave the card in the ATM machine? It took me a while to find the card in a different slot, behind the Costco card.

Goodness! I really need to get more rest . . . or go brunette . . . or get a CT scan . . .


nanapeggy said...

HAHAHAHAHA! It has begun. You are getting older!

Hailee said...

I love that story :)

Natalie said...

I love the fact that you went so far as to dig through the garbage for a phone that wasn't even there. HEHE. Hey at least you didn't run over you phone with your car like I did.

thesvancaras said...


Amy Denton Benites said...

Haha great story Allison. Sounds like a typical day for me, and I'm only 32!